Office 1202, Concord Tower, Media City, Dubai
Office 1202, Concord Tower, Media City, Dubai

Corporate training at the Educational Institute «Arabesk»

Educational Institute «Arabesk» is an interweaving of cultures and values of the whole world into one beautiful ornament of professionalism!

«Arabesk» is the first cultural and educational center in the city of Minsk, which combined the opportunity to learn a foreign language, deeply immersed in the culture of the country, working with native speakers and adopting their invaluable experience.

From 2014 we have been successfully teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language to employees of embassies and consular offices, specialists from international and Belarusian companies, foreign students, postgraduates, doctoral students from leading universities in Belarus.

Mirvat Abu Shaker
CEO of «Arabesk» Educational Institute

teacher experience
strong grammar
speaking practice
immersion in the culture of the country whose language you study
international training programs
relevant to a specific task that you set
«Arabesk» team has brought together the people who are native not only to the language, but also yo the culture. This allows you to learn the language in dialogue with the "primary source" and absorb deep knowledge of the environment where the language was born, to reveal the traditions and mentality of the people who speak it, to demonstrate the value system and immerse in the atmosphere of the country where you plan to continue doing business.
We understand that the main asset of your company is professional employees who are ready to promote business in the international arena, and we are responsible for the quality of training. We develop programs that will help your employees adapt to the new language environment and confidently negotiate, correspond, present and monitor the correctness of document flow.
    special approach
    up to 4 people
    5-10 people

    Office 1202, Concord Tower,Media City, Dubai
    our teacher will arrive at the agreed time and conduct a lesson, with minimum interruption of your business processes
    employees will not have to waste time on the road, for which they will be grateful to you
Presentations: building the logic of your speech, taking into account the factors that are important for the mentality of the audience to which you are going to speak

Correspondence and reporting: preparation of emails, reports, commercial offers in a language that your business partner understands

Meetings with partners: managing the discussion, the ability to listen to and hear the partner, correctly express your intentions, conduct effective negotiations

Telephone conversations: tuning the dialogue from a welcome phrase to the end of the conversation, understanding speech without seeing the speaker, detecting tone and emotional accents

Networking: You know that the ability to build and maintain a conversation in an informal setting very often becomes a decisive element in the negotiations, don't miss the opportunity to teach your employees a relaxed dialogue with foreign business partners
    Training takes place according to the proprietary programs of our teachers. We start training from the level that your employees will show during testing, we study grammar, form vocabulary, develop writing and speech style, develop skills of conducting a confident dialogue
    The programs utilised by «Arabesk» Educational and Cultural center are aimed at tackling various business issues: negotiations, presentations, correspondence, execution of contracts, informal conversations, business communication
    Our teachers have developed programs for various areas of business: medicine, IT-industry, tourism, HoReCa, industry, agriculture, construction, investments, logistics
Along with classical language teaching, Arabesk center offers a specialized program called «Speaking Club».

Speaking club is the language practice of a foreign language in a dialogue format, which is the most effective form of training, where students can talk with the teacher in a non-standard setting on a given topic, improve their oral language skills and overcome the language barrier.

Speaking Club has an important feature - the language is only taught by native speakers! This is very useful not only for advanced learners, but also for those who are just starting to learn the language.
The Speaking club is held in Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Italian and Chinese.

You can tailor the training schedule to your requirements: 2 lessons per week of general, specialized or business English course, plus 1 lesson per week in the Speaking club with a native speaker.

At Arabesk center, we pay special attention to the study of traditions and customs of different countries. To do this, our team and native speakers regularly organize thematic master classes and events that allow you to get to know the culture of your future business partner better.
How will we organize our working process with you?
DEMO lesson and consultation
You order a free consultation. We are testing employees and the first DEMO lesson
Defining tasks and preparing the program
Together we will discuss the anticipated results and lay down a plan for the training period
Organization of the training process
We prepare an offer, sign a contract, develop a training program, agree on the terms and conduct the training
You get the result
Your employees improve the level of their foreign language proficiency
At the end of the training, a final test is carried out, after which each student receives detailed recommendations for further improvement of their language skills, as well as an Arabesk certificate and a state-recognized certificate confirming the level of language proficiency.

The cost of the training is calculated individually for each company and depends on:
1. The level of language proficiency of your employees.
2. The goals that you set for your employees.
3. The number of people in the group.
4. The number of classes per week.
5. Form of training: online/offline.

The duration of the training is determined based on the tasks set and depends on the training schedule for your employees. With a standard schedule (2 lessons a week), mastering one level takes approzimately 3 months.

We appreciate honesty and high-quality education and do not "drag out" the program for a longer period than it is necessary for the successful consolidation of the learning outcomes. The final level of language proficiency is confirmed by the Arabesk Certificate and a state-recognized certificate.

Our students start speaking already at the first lesson!