Office 1202, Concord Tower, Media City, Dubai
Office 1202, Concord Tower, Media City, Dubai
In order to determine your level of the Arabic language, take the test on the button below.
We will send your results by email.
You will receive test results in 1-2 days. Good luck!
1-10 correct answers - Elementary
10-15 correct answers - Pre-Intermediate
15-20 correct answers - Intermediate
20-30 correct answers - Upper-Intermediate
In order to determine your level of the English language, take the test on the button below.
We will send your results by email.
You will receive test results in 1-2 days. Good luck!
1-20 correct answers - Elementary
21-28 correct answers - Pre-Intermediate
29-32 correct answers - Intermediate
In order to determine your level of the Arabic language, take the test on the button below.
We will send your results by email.
You will receive test results in 1-2 days. Good luck!
1-10 correct answers - A1
11-20 correct answers - A2
21-30 correct answers - B1
31-40 correct answers - B2